The Walter de la Mare Society
- Hon. President: Professor John Bayley -
- Hon. Secretary and Treasurer until 2020: Frances Guthrie -
- Editor of Magazine: Emma Close-Brooks -
Inspired by a surge of interest in Walter de la Mare's work after a conference on his short stories organised by King's College, London, critical acclaim for the publication by Giles de la Mare Publishers of Walter de la Mare: Short Stories 1895-1926, a group of critics and aficionados formed a society to honour the memory of Walter de la Mare in 1997 with the following aims in mind:
* To honour the memory of Walter de la Mare
* To promote the study and deepen the appreciation of his works
* To widen the readership of his works, especially by introducing them to new generations of readers
* To facilitate research by making available the widest range of contacts and also information about Walter de la Mare relating both to his life and to his publications and his manuscripts, and to published and unpublished material connected with him in Britain and elsewhere
How to Join
If you require more information or would like to join The Walter de la Mare Society
please contact
If you have any comments or suggestions with regards the development of this website, or if you have any information (essays, reviews, events, etc.) you would like posted on this site,
please do not hesitate to contact Richard Hawking at:
Members of The Walter de la Mare Society will receive a regular newsletter containing articles, extracts, reviews, letters and details of forthcoming events.
Annual Membership: £10.00